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Panneau photovoltaïque: comment est-il exploité à la maison?


Dans les maisons avec systèmes photovoltaïques, tout provient des panneaux sur le toit.

Une fois que la nouvelle énergie propre est générée, il est acheminé vers l'onduleur solaire, un composant essentiel du système qui convertit le courant continu en courant alternatif avant de l'injecter dans le réseau domestique.

En même temps, l'énergie est également utilisée pour charger les batteries de stockage, which are needed to ensure a reserve of electricity during the night or on particularly cloudy days.

From the solar inverter, alternating current passes through a meter that measures its production, consumption, and quantity: obviously, the more light that is absorbed, the more electricity will be produced by the panel.

From the electricity meter, electricity is transferred to the main switchboard, through which it is fed into the building’s electrical system where it can then be used normally.

The benefits of photovoltaic energy are many and range from saving money to reducing pollution, since by harnessing the sun’s rays, no CO2 or other pollutants are emitted.

This kind of energy is always available and in large quantities: En fait, the sun is a renewable and inexhaustible source and can safely be harnessed for another 5 billion years!

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