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Работают ли солнечные панели, когда идет снег?


да, Солнечные панели производят электроэнергию в снежных условиях – as long as the snow isn’t too heavy.

Sunlight can pass through a light dusting of snow, поэтому ваша система солнечных батарей будет генерировать солнечную электроэнергию во время небольшого снегопада. А холодная погода на самом деле полезна для солнечных батарей., as it prevents them from getting too hot and losing efficiency.

A heavy accumulation of snow, on the other hand, would block sunlight and greatly reduce energy production. The good news is that this situation rarely occurs: solar panels are great at shedding snow. This is because they are slick, warm up as they absorb heat, and are usually installed at an angle.

The Department of Energy also points out that, similar to rain, snow is effective in cleaning panels, as it melts away.

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