нет, Изготовленные на заказ литий-ионные аккумуляторы не опасны. Они экологически чистые. Они безопасны, чем другие аккумуляторные блоки.. Потому что в настоящее время, снижает выбросы углекислого газа от автомобилей с дизельным двигателем или топливом. В этих транспортных средствах для эксплуатации используются изготовленные на заказ литий-ионные аккумуляторные батареи, которые более надежны.. The most important thing is you don’t need any experience to use this battery packs cause it is rechargeable and automatically charges when it’s needed. Do you know that Li-ion batteries are one of the safest options to explore when it comes to various types of batteries in the market? They are so safe that anyone can make use of them without experiencing any complication. Например, they charge automatically without any problem. As a user, you do not require any special knowledge or skill to use these batteries. If you are using one in your home at the moment, you will notice that the charging process is straightforward and simple. It is similar to plug and play. Lead-acid batteries are different in such regards. They are not safe and can prove to be very dangerous while being used. Собственно говоря, it is recommended that you have some special skills while making use of them. Lithium-ion batteries, on the other hand, have been designed to be used by anyone without any fear. This is because they have protective components to ensure you do not come in physical contact with those dangerous parts or items.