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¿Cuál es la ventaja de la tecnología de volante de inercia sobre los sistemas de batería avanzados??


El volante convierte la energía eléctrica en energía cinética y viceversa.. El husillo gira en este entorno de levitación magnética sin fricción que tiene una pérdida de energía muy baja con el tiempo.. Es rápido, necesitas energía regulada, obtienes energía regulada (regulado significa que opera en digamos 60 hz). Puede almacenar mucho más que la batería de su convención.. It can be transported easily and deployed in remote regions with little or no supervision.

These two combined makes it an ideal system for renewable energy such as wind and solar. Wind and solar have so called stochastic outputs, very zig zaggy hard to control, you can’t just plug in into the transmission line. You need well regulated power into the line. Renewable energy also need storage to improve their efficiency, which highly depends on the operating environment. So on an extremely sunny day a solar farm might produce so much surplus energy without storage you would have to either just waste it or export it at a negative price.

Flywheel alleviates a lot of these problems but right now it is still not a fully mature technology, it is in experimental stage and is not extremely widely deployed.

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